Landguard celebrates Festival of the Sea

May 24, 2022

Ahoy, me Hearties! Landguard Fort and Felixstowe Museum will be taken over for a swashbuckling weekend of pirate fun, including re-enactments, musket firing and a quiz trail.

Festival of the Sea at Landguard

Part of the Festival of Suffolk and The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the Festival of the Sea on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 June will celebrate the rich coastline and maritime links of Suffolk and Essex.

On Saturday 18 June, from 2pm, the Haven will come alive with a grand Parade of Boats, including vessels from the Royal Navy, Trinity House, Harwich Haven Authority (HHA) and the RNLI. Flying colourful flags and bunting, the parade will criss-cross the waters.

The View Point at Landguard will be a key location to watch the parade and to meet the Felixstowe Coast Patrol with their boat and displays.

The fort is also hosting a new art installation, ‘Journey with a Container’, from visual artist Yva Jung and commissioned by Pier Projects. Exploring the hidden lives of seafarers, it will be open from Saturday 18 June to Friday 2 September.

The Landguard Peninsula is expected to be very busy, so it is advisable to leave your car at home and travel by public transport. The FirstGroup 77 bus links Landguard with Felixstowe Railway Station, the main seafront and the large car park at Martello Park North. Alternatively, park at the Manor Terrace car park and enjoy a short 20-minute walk through the Landguard Nature Reserve.

Paul Grant, Landguard Project Officer said: “Come and enjoy a fantastic weekend at Landguard celebrating the sea and coast. Watch out for our dastardly pirates and enjoy a spectacular Parade of Boats – there is something for everyone to enjoy.”

Further information is available at the Discover Landguard and Festival of Suffolk websites.

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AHOY! Anticipating the Festival of the Sea are, from left, Nicola Barker (Landguard Fort General Manager); Roger Brookes (Landguard Fort Volunteer) and David Gledhill (Felixstowe Museum Chair). Credit: East Suffolk Council/Landguard Partnership.