Working towards Litter-Free Felixstowe

February 23, 2023

Since its launch in 2018, Litter-Free Felixstowe has worked tirelessly to improve the litter situation across the town. A properly constituted Community Interest Group has grown into an active organisation of over 1200 volunteers who work to tackle litter and the causes of litter. Their main aim is to educate, raise awareness and motivate people to work towards a litter-free town, working with schools, businesses and other groups.

This year, Litter-Free Felixstowe hopes to have an even greater impact.  Having already met with the Secretary of State for the Environment, the Port and major hauliers, in January, the aim is now to enlist the help of local shops/businesses in the town centre.  A ‘Litter-Free pledge’ has been prepared allow the entire community to show their commitment to the campaign.

All the companies in the BID area are asked to sign up to the pledge and display a Litter-Free sticker in the window.  There is no charge to be part of the campaign but companies are asked to keep their own immediate area tidy; encourage staff care for the environment and reduce single-use plastics as much as possible.

In March, there will be a publicity event at the Triangle in the centre of Hamilton Road where Litter-free volunteers will be raising awareness for the group.  It is hoped that, over the next few weeks, as many of the businesses in the Town Centre, as possible, are part of the campaign.

If you would like further details and the opportunity to sign the pledge please contact Debbie Bartlett at