Landguard Bird Observatory
Location: View Point Road, Felixstowe IP11 3TW, UKTel: 01394 673782
Tel: 01394 673782
Run and administered by a registered charity, the Landguard Conservation Trust – the Bird Observatory’s primary function is to study and record the wildlife of the entire Landguard Peninsula.
Education and the advancement of knowledge are key aspects of the Observatory’s work. Annual reports are compiled and all the data collected are made available to a variety of local and national organisations. The Bird Observatory is located in disused military buildings overlooking the Landguard Nature Reserve.
The Bird Observatory relies on the invaluable support of its members, friends and volunteers to survive and function. Membership is open to anyone interested in the aims and objectives of the Observatory. A daily census of the birds present is carried out with many birds trapped for ringing studies. All wildlife is recorded, with moth traps run daily from March to early December.
Visits and tours of the Bird Observatory are by appointment only, although you can check out the on-site blackboard or website log for latest news and recent sightings. There are also some special events held throughout the year.