Why not try something new in 2022? Felixstowe and its surrounding villages offer a wonderful range of clubs and organisations to join providing activities and events for all interests and ages. From music, drama and art, to horticulture and photography, plus sport, writing and history too. Go on… get out and discover more. Join in the conversation on our social media pages – what are your New Year resolutions? (If we have omitted any club or organisation please let us know).
Here is a selection of clubs and organisations. Please visit their website/s, or email for further information.
- Felixstowe Garden Club www.felixstowedistricths.onesuffolk.net
- The Felixstowe Society (history and heritage) www.felixstowesociety.org
- Landguard Peninsula (volunteering opportunities at the Fort, Museum, Bird Observatory and Nature Reserve) www.discoverlandguard.org.uk
- Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club www.ffsc.co.uk
- Felixstowe Scribblers www.scribblers2010.blogspot.co.uk
- Felixstowe Rugby Club www.felixstowerufc.co.uk
- Felixstowe and Corinthians Cricket Club www.fandc.play-cricket.com
- Felixstowe Art Group www.felixstoweartgroup.org
- Music to Enjoy (Felixstowe Recorded Music Society) annkearney@btinternet.com
- Colneis Flower Club miller.6376.felix@btinternet.com
- Felixstowe Hockey Club www.felixstowehockeyclub.co.uk
- Felixstowe Road Runners www.frr.org.uk
- Felixstowe Family History Society www.felixstowefhs.onesuffolk.net
- Felixstowe Lawn Tennis Club www.felixstowetennis.co.uk
- Felixstowe Musical Theatre www.felixstowemusicaltheatre.co.uk
- Felixstowe Photographic Society www.felixstowephotographic.org.uk
- Felixstowe Community Choir www.felixstowecommunitychoir.org.uk
- KAFPA (Kirton and Falkenham Performing Arts) www.kafpa.org.uk
- Speakers of Felixstowe www.felixstowespeakers.org.uk
- Felixstowe Electronic Organ Club www.felixstoweorganclub.com
- The Dorian Singers www.thedoriansingers.org.uk
- Trimley Saints Players www.trimleysaintsplayers.co.uk
- Trimley Station Community Trust www.trimleystation.org
- Felixstowe Sea Angling Society www.fsas.org.uk
- Felixstowe Area – ‘N’ Gauge Group (model railways) www.felixstowengauge.org.uk
- Felixstowe Harmonies www.felixstoweharmonies.co.uk
- Deben Flower Club wa@sandlings.co.uk
- Felixstowe Cafe Poets alex@fortdavis.co.uk
- Felixstowe Area Social Club for Retired Persons stephenjamescox@hotmail.co.uk