Phil’s Sunday Walk.
Sunday 17th September 2023, 2:30pm, 5:00pm
Location: Felixstowe Sea Front Gardens, Bath Hill, Felixstowe, UKSunday 17th September 2023, 2:30pm, 5:00pm
Location: Felixstowe Sea Front Gardens, Bath Hill, Felixstowe, UKMeet at Felixstowe Town Hall, Undercliff Road West IP112AG. Felixstowe Society: Phil’s Sunday Walk- The Seafront Gardens
Learn more about the history and heritage of our town on a guided walk.
The late Phil Hadwen started these Sunday walks, and this is now being carried on members of the Felixstowe Society.
Phil’s Sunday Walk. Landguard Heritage – starts and finishes at the bus shelter opposite Landguard Fort. Stout shoes or wellies please! The walk will take one to one and half hours.